Friday 18 September 2009

Pastry and punctuation?

Well, I just felt like alliteration. Since my last post, I HAVE HAD a dosai... scrumptiousness. Not quite Woodlands or amma's standards, but who's complaining? Also, baked an intensely chocolate fudge cake for the housemates last night - SLUURRRP.

There was something I'd been asking about for a time - a yes/no answer. Today from God (and Facebook!) I've decided to consider it a 'no'. Sigh. That's what I came to log.

I don't know if I can carry it off this term. So much to do and so much more expected of me than I have done. I am scared. I am unable. I am trying. I have God. And that is that. Some more healing in the family recently - God loves them so much. And I am so glad that I have this crazy family whose craziness fits (mostly) perfectly with mine!

In my breaks, I'm reading Lynne Truss's apparently popular book - Eats (,) Shoots and Leaves. Makes me laugh out loud! Not that I agree on all points but she's growing on me. JW thinks it's geeky - eeerrm, well. Have you read it?